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¿Què són les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari?

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Què són les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari? Tota aquella activitat destinada a la promoció d'una marca o els seus productes podria anomenar estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari. No obstant això, les grans diferències entre els canals utilitzats per a això fa que a les grans empreses el departament de màrqueting es divideixi en diverses seccions. D'una banda hi hauria el món "offline", és a dir, tot allò que es desenvolupa fora d'internet, com els anuncis publicitaris en revistes o espots de televisió.

Què són les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari? Tota aquella activitat destinada a la promoció d'una marca o els seus productes podria anomenar estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari. No obstant això, les grans diferències entre els canals utilitzats per a això fa que a les grans empreses el departament de màrqueting es divideixi en diverses seccions. D'una banda hi hauria el món "offline", és a dir, tot allò que es desenvolupa fora d'internet, com els anuncis publicitaris en revistes o espots de televisió.

Què són les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari?
Tota aquella activitat destinada a la promoció d’una marca o els seus productes podria anomenar estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari.

Andorra Real Estate have the best luxury residential properties and real estate in Andorra to buy or rent. Using our services means you will access to the most exclusive on and off-market properties today in Andorra’s real estate market. Search for luxury real estate in Andorra with Luxury Real Estate Investment Andorra International Realty. View our exclusive listings of Andorra homes and connect with an agent today. Real estate specialized in luxury properties in the Principality of Andorra: houses, chalets, flats, attics, apartments and more to buy, for sale or rent. Find your dream luxury home in Andorra. JamesEdition features the best luxury real estate and homes by the most renowned offices. Excellent Plot for sale in Andorra la Vella, Andorra. Plot size 567m². Luxury chalet for sale close to La Massana, Andorra. Price on request House / Villa. La Massana (Andorra). Real Estate in Andorra: Search the best Residence tax free, or the best investments, come and discover snow-mountains at winter with the Ski and a spectacular nature at summer. Luxury properties for sale in the Principality of Andorra. The best way to find your dream home with luxury real estate broker LUXURY - REAL ESTATE You will change the concept you have about estate agents. Buying or selling, you are in the right place. Andorra Real Estate have the best selection of luxury, exclusive & high end investment properties for sale & rent on the market in Andorra. BROWSE TOP PROPERTIES BY LOCATION AND TYPE MOST POPULAR PROPERTIES Our most popular properties and real estate for investors include: Houses Apartments Ski Chalets, Golf properties, Flats Penthouses and Condos, Masias Plots of land and more. ANDORRA TOP PROPERTY LOCATIONS Andorra’s top locations to buy or rent properties include; Andorra la Vella, Canillo, Encamp, Escaldes - Engordany, La Massana, Ordino Sant Julià de Lòria. Discover Real Estate listings of Luxury Properties for Sale in Andorra and Find the one of your Dreams! The most beautiful Properties for Sale in Andorra are on Luxury Real Estate Investments Andorra. REAL ESTATE SERVICES PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN ANDORRA In Andorra, if you are looking to buy a property for sale, we only have the most exclusive properties on the market. Browse the properties on our web to find yours. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN ANDORRA. Are you getting the most out of your property investment in Andorra? We help property owners and businesses make the right financial and management decisions with their investment. REAL ESTATE INVEST IN ANDORRA. Our specialists will guide and consult you through every step with property investment in Andorra, so you have peace of mind. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IN ANDORRA. If you are looking to stay a short or a longer time in Andorra, let us match your requirements to the most ideal property for rent on the market. RELOCATION & RESIDENCY IN ANDORRA. Our residency and relocation team will help you with the entire residency process in Andorra. SELL OR RENT YOUR PROPERTY ANDORRA Do you own one or more properties and wish to put it on the market for sale or looking for tenants? Our specialty is finding a tenant or buyer quickly for your property using our extended network and international marketing reach. LEGAL & RESEARCH SERVICES Our team aids individuals and businesses with property investment, residency in Andorra we aid private individuals and businesses with taxation, financial investment, bookkeeping, business creation and consultancy, immigration, probate and relocation issues.

No obstant això, les grans diferències entre els canals utilitzats per a això fa que a les grans empreses el departament de màrqueting es divideixi en diverses seccions.
D’una banda hi hauria el món «offline», és a dir, tot allò que es desenvolupa fora d’internet, com els anuncis publicitaris en revistes o espots de televisió.
De l’altra, tot el relacionat amb el màrqueting digital immobiliari, des de la publicitat fins a les accions desenvolupades per crear continguts sobre la marca.
El problema sorgeix en un món en què la frontera entre un i altre està pràcticament desdibuixada.
És a dir, si rodem un espot per a televisió i al mateix temps que ho vam emetre el podem veure al nostre canal de YouTube, és màrqueting immobiliari offline o màrqueting digital immobiliari?Andorra Real Estate have the best luxury residential properties and real estate in Andorra to buy or rent. Using our services means you will access to the most exclusive on and off-market properties today in Andorra’s real estate market. Search for luxury real estate in Andorra with Luxury Real Estate Investment Andorra International Realty. View our exclusive listings of Andorra homes and connect with an agent today. Real estate specialized in luxury properties in the Principality of Andorra: houses, chalets, flats, attics, apartments and more to buy, for sale or rent. Find your dream luxury home in Andorra. JamesEdition features the best luxury real estate and homes by the most renowned offices. Excellent Plot for sale in Andorra la Vella, Andorra. Plot size 567m². Luxury chalet for sale close to La Massana, Andorra. Price on request House / Villa. La Massana (Andorra). Real Estate in Andorra: Search the best Residence tax free, or the best investments, come and discover snow-mountains at winter with the Ski and a spectacular nature at summer. Luxury properties for sale in the Principality of Andorra. The best way to find your dream home with luxury real estate broker LUXURY - REAL ESTATE You will change the concept you have about estate agents. Buying or selling, you are in the right place. Andorra Real Estate have the best selection of luxury, exclusive & high end investment properties for sale & rent on the market in Andorra. BROWSE TOP PROPERTIES BY LOCATION AND TYPE MOST POPULAR PROPERTIES Our most popular properties and real estate for investors include: Houses Apartments Ski Chalets, Golf properties, Flats Penthouses and Condos, Masias Plots of land and more. ANDORRA TOP PROPERTY LOCATIONS Andorra’s top locations to buy or rent properties include; Andorra la Vella, Canillo, Encamp, Escaldes - Engordany, La Massana, Ordino Sant Julià de Lòria. Discover Real Estate listings of Luxury Properties for Sale in Andorra and Find the one of your Dreams! The most beautiful Properties for Sale in Andorra are on Luxury Real Estate Investments Andorra. REAL ESTATE SERVICES PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN ANDORRA In Andorra, if you are looking to buy a property for sale, we only have the most exclusive properties on the market. Browse the properties on our web to find yours. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN ANDORRA. Are you getting the most out of your property investment in Andorra? We help property owners and businesses make the right financial and management decisions with their investment. REAL ESTATE INVEST IN ANDORRA. Our specialists will guide and consult you through every step with property investment in Andorra, so you have peace of mind. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IN ANDORRA. If you are looking to stay a short or a longer time in Andorra, let us match your requirements to the most ideal property for rent on the market. RELOCATION & RESIDENCY IN ANDORRA. Our residency and relocation team will help you with the entire residency process in Andorra. SELL OR RENT YOUR PROPERTY ANDORRA Do you own one or more properties and wish to put it on the market for sale or looking for tenants? Our specialty is finding a tenant or buyer quickly for your property using our extended network and international marketing reach. LEGAL & RESEARCH SERVICES Our team aids individuals and businesses with property investment, residency in Andorra we aid private individuals and businesses with taxation, financial investment, bookkeeping, business creation and consultancy, immigration, probate and relocation issues.
La resposta no és senzilla. Gràcies a Déu, avui dia la tecnologia ens permet captar i generar continguts en format digital amb gran senzillesa, que tard o d’hora acabaran a internet.
Per això, a Référencement Web Ariège ens agrada pensar que tot és màrqueting immobiliari. Tot, sigui un bàner publicitari o un article al bloc immobiliari, tenen a veure amb això, i per tant, és màrqueting immobiliari.
Les millors estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari
Un cop definit a grans trets què són les estratègies, definirem les diferents estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari que pots utilitzar en una immobiliària com la teva.
No vol dir que hagis de posar-los tot en marxa al mateix temps, ni que siguin excloents entre si. Tot dependrà de les necessitats de la teva marca, el pressupost i els mitjans materials de la teva empresa.
Estratègies de màrqueting per a immobiliàries – (Offline)
Encara que ja hem esmentat que aquestes estratègies de màrqueting per a immobiliàries estan una mica obsoletes, sí que podem definir el medi en què es desenvolupa.
És a dir, si crees un vídeo de màrqueting immobiliari promocional per a la teva marca, i ho reprodueixes en una convenció, podem dir que estàs en un mitjà offline.Andorra Real Estate have the best luxury residential properties and real estate in Andorra to buy or rent. Using our services means you will access to the most exclusive on and off-market properties today in Andorra’s real estate market. Search for luxury real estate in Andorra with Luxury Real Estate Investment Andorra International Realty. View our exclusive listings of Andorra homes and connect with an agent today. Real estate specialized in luxury properties in the Principality of Andorra: houses, chalets, flats, attics, apartments and more to buy, for sale or rent. Find your dream luxury home in Andorra. JamesEdition features the best luxury real estate and homes by the most renowned offices. Excellent Plot for sale in Andorra la Vella, Andorra. Plot size 567m². Luxury chalet for sale close to La Massana, Andorra. Price on request House / Villa. La Massana (Andorra). Real Estate in Andorra: Search the best Residence tax free, or the best investments, come and discover snow-mountains at winter with the Ski and a spectacular nature at summer. Luxury properties for sale in the Principality of Andorra. The best way to find your dream home with luxury real estate broker LUXURY - REAL ESTATE You will change the concept you have about estate agents. Buying or selling, you are in the right place. Andorra Real Estate have the best selection of luxury, exclusive & high end investment properties for sale & rent on the market in Andorra. BROWSE TOP PROPERTIES BY LOCATION AND TYPE MOST POPULAR PROPERTIES Our most popular properties and real estate for investors include: Houses Apartments Ski Chalets, Golf properties, Flats Penthouses and Condos, Masias Plots of land and more. ANDORRA TOP PROPERTY LOCATIONS Andorra’s top locations to buy or rent properties include; Andorra la Vella, Canillo, Encamp, Escaldes - Engordany, La Massana, Ordino Sant Julià de Lòria. Discover Real Estate listings of Luxury Properties for Sale in Andorra and Find the one of your Dreams! The most beautiful Properties for Sale in Andorra are on Luxury Real Estate Investments Andorra. REAL ESTATE SERVICES PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN ANDORRA In Andorra, if you are looking to buy a property for sale, we only have the most exclusive properties on the market. Browse the properties on our web to find yours. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN ANDORRA. Are you getting the most out of your property investment in Andorra? We help property owners and businesses make the right financial and management decisions with their investment. REAL ESTATE INVEST IN ANDORRA. Our specialists will guide and consult you through every step with property investment in Andorra, so you have peace of mind. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IN ANDORRA. If you are looking to stay a short or a longer time in Andorra, let us match your requirements to the most ideal property for rent on the market. RELOCATION & RESIDENCY IN ANDORRA. Our residency and relocation team will help you with the entire residency process in Andorra. SELL OR RENT YOUR PROPERTY ANDORRA Do you own one or more properties and wish to put it on the market for sale or looking for tenants? Our specialty is finding a tenant or buyer quickly for your property using our extended network and international marketing reach. LEGAL & RESEARCH SERVICES Our team aids individuals and businesses with property investment, residency in Andorra we aid private individuals and businesses with taxation, financial investment, bookkeeping, business creation and consultancy, immigration, probate and relocation issues.
És en aquest medi on es realitzen estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari com:
Patrocinis esportius: Algunes immobiliàries solen patrocinar algun equip local de la seva zona d’actuació.
Accions de relacions públiques: Sovint solen tenir com a resultat notes de premsa o mencions en publicacions físiques com diaris. Existeixen empreses dedicades únicament a accions de relacions públiques, encara que avui dia combinen mitjans en línia i «offline.»
Publicitat en mitjans: La publicitat en revistes, diaris locals, …
Telemàrqueting immobiliari: Algunes agències encara opten per aquesta estratègia, tot i que creiem que per al client pot ser molest.
Flyers immobiliaris: Són moltes les agències que encara creen tirades grans de flyers per fer una bustiada al seu barri.
Cartells d’immobiliàries: Aquesta estratègia la fan servir la majoria de les immobiliàries per rebre trucades d’interessats sobre els immobles.
Tanques publicitàries: Per últim, les valles és una altra estratègia que solen utilitzar moltes agències per guanyar visibilitat de la immobiliària.
Estratègies de Màrqueting digital per a immobiliàries
I arribem a la nostra part preferida, les estratègies de màrqueting digital per immobiliàries, per la quantitat d’opcions que presenta i la facilitat per implementar noves idees i plantejaments.
No podem deixar d’assenyalar que en el màrqueting digital per a immobiliàries no hi ha res escrit. És a dir, hi ha tècniques i mitjans, però cada dia sorgeixen noves formes de fer les coses.
Si entre les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari que vas veuras a continuació no trobes la idea que et ronda el cap, endavant!. Tot en aquest mitjà comença amb algú que qüestiona les normes establertes.
Andorra Real Estate have the best luxury residential properties and real estate in Andorra to buy or rent. Using our services means you will access to the most exclusive on and off-market properties today in Andorra’s real estate market. Search for luxury real estate in Andorra with Luxury Real Estate Investment Andorra International Realty. View our exclusive listings of Andorra homes and connect with an agent today. Real estate specialized in luxury properties in the Principality of Andorra: houses, chalets, flats, attics, apartments and more to buy, for sale or rent. Find your dream luxury home in Andorra. JamesEdition features the best luxury real estate and homes by the most renowned offices. Excellent Plot for sale in Andorra la Vella, Andorra. Plot size 567m². Luxury chalet for sale close to La Massana, Andorra. Price on request House / Villa. La Massana (Andorra). Real Estate in Andorra: Search the best Residence tax free, or the best investments, come and discover snow-mountains at winter with the Ski and a spectacular nature at summer. Luxury properties for sale in the Principality of Andorra. The best way to find your dream home with luxury real estate broker LUXURY - REAL ESTATE You will change the concept you have about estate agents. Buying or selling, you are in the right place. Andorra Real Estate have the best selection of luxury, exclusive & high end investment properties for sale & rent on the market in Andorra. BROWSE TOP PROPERTIES BY LOCATION AND TYPE MOST POPULAR PROPERTIES Our most popular properties and real estate for investors include: Houses Apartments Ski Chalets, Golf properties, Flats Penthouses and Condos, Masias Plots of land and more. ANDORRA TOP PROPERTY LOCATIONS Andorra’s top locations to buy or rent properties include; Andorra la Vella, Canillo, Encamp, Escaldes - Engordany, La Massana, Ordino Sant Julià de Lòria. Discover Real Estate listings of Luxury Properties for Sale in Andorra and Find the one of your Dreams! The most beautiful Properties for Sale in Andorra are on Luxury Real Estate Investments Andorra. REAL ESTATE SERVICES PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN ANDORRA In Andorra, if you are looking to buy a property for sale, we only have the most exclusive properties on the market. Browse the properties on our web to find yours. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN ANDORRA. Are you getting the most out of your property investment in Andorra? We help property owners and businesses make the right financial and management decisions with their investment. REAL ESTATE INVEST IN ANDORRA. Our specialists will guide and consult you through every step with property investment in Andorra, so you have peace of mind. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IN ANDORRA. If you are looking to stay a short or a longer time in Andorra, let us match your requirements to the most ideal property for rent on the market. RELOCATION & RESIDENCY IN ANDORRA. Our residency and relocation team will help you with the entire residency process in Andorra. SELL OR RENT YOUR PROPERTY ANDORRA Do you own one or more properties and wish to put it on the market for sale or looking for tenants? Our specialty is finding a tenant or buyer quickly for your property using our extended network and international marketing reach. LEGAL & RESEARCH SERVICES Our team aids individuals and businesses with property investment, residency in Andorra we aid private individuals and businesses with taxation, financial investment, bookkeeping, business creation and consultancy, immigration, probate and relocation issues.Publicitat per immobiliàries: Al blog de Référencement Web Ariège hem dedicat diverses entrades a la publicitat en línia. És una arma molt potent que pot ajudar-te a guanyar visibilitat de forma ràpida. Pots triar entre diverses opcions: Google AdWords per immobiliàries, mitjans de comunicació en línia, els millors portals immobiliaris, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Linkedin Ads, …
Màrqueting de continguts per a immobiliàries: Està de moda des de fa anys i es planteja com la gran alternativa a la publicitat. Consisteix a atraure els clients de la marca amb continguts que siguin del seu interès i solucionant els seus problemes. La seva màxima expressió és el blog, on l’empresa crea i difon continguts de forma regular. El màrqueting de continguts engloba molts formats a més de les tradicionals entrades en blocs. E-books, infografies, imatges, vídeos immobiliaris, Tours virtuals, … Són alguns dels formats que pots utilitzar en aquest tipus de màrqueting immobiliària. Per descomptat, tot això sota el paraigua d’una bona web immobiliària, no ho oblidis.

Què són les estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari? Tota aquella activitat destinada a la promoció d'una marca o els seus productes podria anomenar estratègies de màrqueting immobiliari. No obstant això, les grans diferències entre els canals utilitzats per a això fa que a les grans empreses el departament de màrqueting es divideixi en diverses seccions. D'una banda hi hauria el món "offline", és a dir, tot allò que es desenvolupa fora d'internet, com els anuncis publicitaris en revistes o espots de televisió.